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Monday 16 January 2012

Eyes to My Soul - Part III

Find the rest of the story here.

Part III

I don’t exactly remember grasping any of the who, when, where, how that followed thereafter. I was in a daze. Losing all perspective, not knowing whether to be enraged or feel sorry for myself. Why would this happen to me, I wondered, that too finally when I had thought I’d put an end to the indefiniteness and tell her how I felt. I suddenly saw all the moments we’d spent together fly past me, dancing in stop motion. I felt numb. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Wasn’t I the one she talked 24*7 to, shared her deepest thoughts with, and liked to hang out with? Aren’t those the first signs of blossoming love? Didn’t she adore me for all my funny antics and silly flaws? Wasn’t it too obvious that we were meant to be together sooner or later? Wait. I must certainly have heard it wrong. She must’ve named me as the one she liked. That was how it went in my dreams. That was how it was always meant to be. This wasn't for real. I wished with all I possessed for this to be a nightmare and for me to wake up right then. Only, I didn’t. Because it wasn’t a dream. It was real. And I realized that this was it.

She was looking at me with an amused expression and asking if I was even there. So she knew I wasn’t. I tried to collect myself, mumbled something incoherent. She smiled and asked me if I was gonna finish my ice cream or let it melt. I said I didn’t feel like having it. She nodded and got up to make a move. I followed. On the way out, I couldn’t help myself and unknowingly, asked her if she indeed was serious about this guy (whoever he was, I had not the slightest idea at the moment). She looked at me for a moment, as if seeing through me, reading my thoughts. And in a grave voice, replied in the affirmative.

I don’t remember anything that happened after that, until the moment I saw my mother hovering over me in a dimly lit room that looked somewhat like my own. She looked pale, anxious, very unlike her usual demeanor. Next I discovered her hand on my forehead, over a dripping wet piece of cloth. My sister lurked near the door to the room, looking unsure, visibly shocked. I tried to sit up. Mother held me back, requesting me (again unlike her usual self) to rest. I was surprised. What exactly had happened?

Then I felt the shooting pain. My head. It seemed to have been struck by a heavy blow, the way it hurt. Like hell. I couldn’t keep my face from contorting, sending my mother into an attack of hysteria. She asked me if I was fine; I counter asked her about what had transpired. And then I heard. I had returned home late that evening in an inexplicable state, keeping silent and heading straight to my room. When mother came in with a cup of tea, she found me lying unconsciously on the bed, running high fever. I wouldn’t wake up for hours. And when I finally did, I could recall nothing. So they knew nothing.

I spotted dad, standing in the far corner of the room with a questioning, somewhat sad look in his eyes. I didn’t know what to say to them. I could sense the extreme anxiety and concern in their eyes. But I didn’t have the answers to their questions. I was at a complete loss of words; I couldn't explain to them what I was going through. And so I never did. I just swallowed it all up; buried deep in my heart, never to let it out. Until...

To be continued...

Monday 9 January 2012

Random Blabberings

Disclaimer: Bear with me here for as long as you can. Or close the tab in my face. But DO NOT even think about clicking on the Unfollow button after reading this.

I don't have any particular agenda for writing this post. Just had some things on my mind that I wanted to write down. Quite unrelated but significant thoughts that needed an outlet. And so I've put them down here, conveniently in bullet form. :D

1. I forgot my own guest post.
Yeah, the one that I talked about here. And yes, I forgot to tell MY OWN readers that I did finally manage to write it and it got published here some two weeks ago. That was pretty silly and careless of me. I don't even know how I skipped it. Blast! Nothing's lost yet though. You can still read the post now. :)

2. The Hugh Syndrome
So, like it earlier happened with Afghanistan, my life's at it again. This time it's the name Hugh following me. It has just been appearing in front of me far too frequently for some time. It all started with my falling in love with the actor Hugh Grant, I suppose I've mentioned him more than once in earlier posts. :D
Then I happened to take a liking to another actor after watching a certain movie of his. Hugh Dancy that was. Then came in Hugh #3, Mr. Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine and more recently the Real Steel guy. I really truly have the hots for him. But then comes another Hugh, this time in the form of Dr. Gregory House from the TV series House MD. I am currently OD-ing on this medical drama, easily watching 3 episodes a day, that amounts to over 2 hours of my precious time everyday. But the point here is, the doctor in question, Dr. House, is played by a brilliant actor Hugh Laurie. Intense acting, fabulous sarcasm, highly irritating to everyone around him. Jussst perfect! :D So there we have Hugh #4. Now that's a lot of Hughs to keep track of. Not that I mind much. As I said, just had to write it all down. Anyone reading this would surely be all *facepalm* right now. :P

3. My fiction writing
I've been actively dabbling in fiction stories these days. Now that is how things go with me. For months at end I won't be able to churn out even a bunch of sensible lines, and then suddenly I'll feel inspired and end up taking up old stories I had left unfinished and completing them, only to move on to new ideas. I received predominantly positive reviews for my story Eyes to my Soul and its sequel. The subsequent parts of the story are in the pipeline, as is another story that I am presently thinking of. And I need honest and critical reviews for my stories so as to help me do better. Toh Sun lo saare aalsi people, I need comments! :P

4. The Random End
A random post calls for a random ending, doesn't it? So I'll just end with a picture a friend once mailed to me when we used to be all gaga about the TV shows FRIENDS and How I Met Your Mother. It is sort of funny. And quite random in itself. Just what I needed to make this post my randomest ever. :P

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Eyes to My Soul - Part II

Read the rest of the story here.

Part II

I remember the day she called me over for lunch. I was a nervous wreck. It wouldn’t be your fault if you thought I looked like one too. I was having almost girly jitters. In a state of part excitement and part anxiety, I couldn’t eat all day. Random thoughts kept flashing through my mind. Was I finally going to name the feelings I had for her? Would I admit them to her? Will I be able to say a single coherent word in the face of her deep crystal eyes that double up as a polygraph? Did I even have the courage to own up to my own feelings? Questions galore, answers none. I looked at myself in the mirror again and again but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Something was out of place. Was it that conspicuous blush on my face? God, I was panicking. She could easily do this (and more) to me with something as simple as an invitation to eat out.

I was supposed to meet her at a fast food joint near her college. I reached half an hour early to calm my jittery nerves, so as to cut a smart picture when she arrived. Did I succeed in doing so? I wouldn’t know. She never showed any hint of ever noticing anything different that I’d tried on in order to impress her. Whenever I tried to dress up well or get a ‘cool’ haircut, all she would do was to act amused, laugh it off or outright ignore it. It always reminded me of how rugged and uncivilized I looked beside her. Not that she cared though. She was always her nicest to me.

She as usual came ten minutes late and started telling me all about her day at college. I kept looking at her, slightly nodding or interjecting wherever I thought it would give her an impression that I was following her words. Not that I wasn’t interested; she was an eloquent speaker. I just found it hard to concentrate at the same time on her moving lips, the glint of her earrings and the sound of her talk. It just wreaked havoc on my senses if I tried to catch all of them together. So I concentrated on one thing at a time. She had noticed that many a times and told me I had attention deficiency syndrome. Yeah, right. Nice way to defend yourself, I thought. But this day was different. She kept talking and I kept looking, but gradually I started to notice that she was talking less excitedly, with longer silences in between. I didn’t know what to do. Found myself in a catch 22 situation – to I ask her what’s wrong and risk being shut up, or let her go on and wait till she shares it herself? And on an impulse I blurted out that she was looking worried. She looked at me (and I momentarily froze) and inquired if it was indeed that conspicuous. Now I’d easily have said, it might not be for others, but I know your moods and behavior well enough to be able to notice it. I would’ve sounded all macho and impressive. But all I could manage was a yes. And she flinched and looked away.

By now I had completely forgotten about all those fears and jitters I’d been full of earlier. Her worries always made me forget mine. And I knew it was going to be a matter of mere seconds before she’d be out with whatever it was that was bothering her. She couldn’t hide things from me. Not until she wanted to, which was another matter altogether. So I waited in silence as she sat looking into space. Minutes passed, our food came. And then she turned towards me, her face suddenly flushed, and exclaimed, “I think I like a guy.”

To be continued...

(Find the third part of the story here.)