Blogger Pages

Saturday 25 December 2010

A dead soul...

Here's the story of a dead soul...

Here I lay, dormant, cold,
Life seems to have gone on hold.
As numbness takes over every sense,
It leaves no place for any pretense.
Darkness, sorrow, hollow space -
They engulf me, give me my solace.
Enter my dark world and you'll see
The emptiness, the silence, the misery.

I look up to the leaden sky,
But I don't weep, I don't cry.
'Coz tears give way to muffled screams,
And I go to bed with shattered dreams.
My sleep is haunted by my own thoughts
Of what I sought and what I've got.
Life itself looms like a nightmare.
It seems I've lost myself somewhere.
And I do not fear this endless night.
What scares me now is sudden daylight.

Years of numbness have killed it all,
And there's nothing more dead than a dead soul.


  1. devil fumes~humaner exhumes26 February 2011 at 03:38

    so poignant,
    u make devil sad

    beautiful words
    someday in future will approach u for book contract

    ~devil fumes

  2. Well thank you for the appreciation and express quite wonderfully yourself!

  3. Lost in the eyes of a stranger :-/

    The only line which came into my mind reading this. I'm hopeless I know :P

  4. Quite random :P And yet quite related somehow :)
