Blogger Pages

Friday 9 December 2011

What's new?

Let not the title mislead you. This news-update-kind-of-post does not mean I have run out of ideas to write about. In fact, quite contrarily, my mind's been overactive these past few days, owing a lot probably to the lack of physical exercise in my life. Yes, it is the week before my semester ending examinations, and I have nothing else to do all day but sit and think of what to study (and then study - but I seldom reach that stage) or to eat and sleep. No TV, no internet connection as of now, and no college or friends to spend some fun time with. It is mind-numbingly boring and monotonous. Days literally seem to drag on for months.

I've been meaning to write but a phone isn't exactly the kind of device I prefer to update my blog from. Feels primitive, insufficient. But it had been too long that I'd been away...had to write. So, just thought lemme start off with a few updates on what's new in this lovely month of December.

1. On the personal front - I've shifted my residence, like I mentioned earlier I was going to. It was a pretty smooth transition. The new house is quite airy, full of windows, with a backyard and a lawn, though unkempt for now. Most of my idle time is spent sitting beside the front window looking at the weather changing through the day. Being in the vicinity of one of Delhi's most happening markets, I've only visited it once in all this time. Haven't really got any friends out here, plus it is exam time, so all indoor rest and no play is making me a dull girl. Literally.

2. Delhi's 100 years of glory - So! My beloved city is turning 100 this December. And am I not proud. The 12th of December 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the day the city of Delhi was officially made the national capital. Its new imperial look, as seen around the Secretariat area better known as Lutyen's Delhi, was designed by a team of British architects headed by Lutyen and Baker after its gaining this title. There is debate nowadays about whether this date should make us feel proud, or remind us of India's 200 years of British rule. I personally feel it is a happy occasion - we should celebrate the good in it. And this day symbolises our city gaining such a prestigious status as the one it holds till date. It calls for celebration, doesn't it? :)

3. Delhi 100 Food Festival - To mark the conclusion of Delhi's 100th year as the National capital, Hindustan Times is organising this festival that started on the 24th of November all over the city, supposed to go on till the 31st of December. It has 50 top-notch restaurants/food chains participating, with each of them offering one of their signature food items for 100 bucks all through the duration of the festival. What more, the participating restaurants include the likes of those at Hyatt Regency, Hilton, Shangri la, Moti Mahal, Khan Chacha and Karims, offering delectable cuisines that further strengthen Delhi's status as the Food Capital of India. I plan to catch up on some of the items off the list. But that'll make for another post altogether. Do make it a point not to miss it - Delhi doesn't turn 100 ever again!

For the list of participating restaurants and further ideas on how to join in on the celebration of this great once-in-a-lifetime event, you may refer here.


  1. First time on your blog,Mahima.
    Liked your presentation.
    Hope to see you in tomorrow meet.

    If find time,please visit my blog.


  2. @Rakesh sir - I did check out your blog. It is unique and quite inspiring. Nice to see you at the meet too. :)

    @Aditya - Thank you. :)
