Blogger Pages

Monday 25 June 2012

Heart of Ice

I fall down every time
And I stand up again,
Looking into Destiny's eyes
I strengthen my resolve.
But I weep inside
Hiding from the world
I'm losing myself again
Can't see where I am.

Seasons change
But my winter refuses to melt
A heart set in ice takes
More than just love to break.

Just when I see the light
The wick runs out
And I try to endure
But fail to fill the hole within.
Seeing my power seep away
I've lost that flame
That kept me glowing
Fed my faith.

But the ashes live on
A faint hope remains
That my winters will melt
And the ice will break..

Image courtesy:

Friday 22 June 2012

Of Meets and Surprises...

I never really happened to write about the Indiblogger meets, did I? Tch tch. Keeping busy has just too many drawbacks for me to even keep track of. Anyhow, here I am now, with a brief report on the Sunday that I’m not gonna forget for a long long time to come.

10th June, 2012 – The Park Hotel, Connaught Place, New Delhi
I don’t know what it is between Indiblogger and The Park. It is such a depressing little place, almost like an office building. Even the DLF commercial tower across the road looks like a real hotel in front of the Park. Anyhow, the meets are always fun, so I’m not complaining! So there were two meets scheduled within one single day – something I haven’t ever experienced before and which came as a pleasant surprise when it was first announced.

The first one by Dove was a meet only for women bloggers, and needless to say, it saw lesser number of attendees. To cut the long story short, hair care experts were invited, extensive talks were held on common hair problems, their causes and prevention and the audience’s woes were heard and addressed. A TV ad model Shivani was also called to give a short speech/lecture/talk/whatever. I still haven’t been able to figure out what it was exactly that she wanted to bring across through that half-hour long string of non-coherent short anecdotes about her single status and her mother’s giving her a piece of her mind everyday and her ugly frizzy hair etc etc. I chose to ignore after a while, concentrating more on chatting and hobnobbing with the few friends I had made out there.

Need I mention that like all the Indiblogger meets, this one too had fun stuff being handed out to random people for no rhyme or reason just to promote Dove products? Though for a change this time I was a recipient of them too. Yay! I got a Dove gift hamper just for sporting streaked hair (seriously LAME, I know :P) and a voucher for online shopping worth rupees 1000 only because I was the only person till then to have said “thank you” at the end of my introduction. See, I told you – they need no rhyme or reason to give out goodies, just pure whim! At the end of the meet each participant got to take away a customized hamper containing a shampoo and a conditioner from the Dove product line that suits their hair the best. Oh, and a white Dove-Indiblogger t-shirt too. Thereafter we had a scrumptious lunch where I actually overate. I couldn’t help myself, it was just so good!!

There was a one-hour break before the Spice Mobiles meet. And we obviously utilized it in maaroing a round of apna CP (in the scorching sun) followed by an all-girls photo session in the hotel lobby ('coz as they say - girls will be girls!) Before the meet started we had this awesome conversation with one of the popular veteran bloggers on the Indian blogsphere – Mr. Arvind Passey – a lovely man with an amazing sense of humor and also the brand ambassador for Samsung. Cool eh? But the real fun began when the meet began and the host for the evening appeared. Guess who?? Rajiv Makhni, our very own NDTV Gadget Guru-cum-hottie-cum-house of talent! Okay I am totally drooling now. But the man really is a hell lot of fun. He cracked jokes, made sarcastic comments on anything and everything without anyone at all minding and had us all in splits throughout the meet and on the edge of our chairs by the end of the evening.

He gave out pen drives and Spice mobiles to participants, sometimes on whim and sometimes on their actually achieving certain feats. But the real surprise of the evening for ME came when I actually won a phone myself. Oh yes, I DID. And not even for nothing. The guy had announced that he would hand out phones to five people who introduced themselves in the best way, or those who could reproduce at the meet something that they blog about (muffins or cookies for instance). So I went out there in full josh, introduced myself, and offered to sing. Oh yeah, you all know I write about music too. Now the audience was suddenly excited and Rajiv taken aback for a second. But then he declared that if I satisfy the audience with my song, the phone is all mine. And so I sang a few lines from the one song that came to my mind at the moment – Celine Dion’s That’s The Way It Is. Here I stopped singing and there the place resounded with applause (or at least that’s what I like to believe). And I won myself a Spice Flo mobile! :D

Well, that was the crescendo of the meet for me at least. Rest everything I cannot seem to recall even half as clearly. There was this debate on something like how safe is our private information today, given the superb hacking technology available and no dearth of identity thieves all around us on the internet. It was interesting and boring in turns, nothing really worth being reproduced here. Another highlight of the evening was an AMAZING magic/mind-reading show put up by a budding mind reader (or magician?) Karan Singh that completely had each one of us gaping in astonishment. It was great! Then there was this speech by some boring tech guy from Spice, and that was when we decided it was time for our much needed pilgrimage to the ladies room. :P Following that was another delicious meal that was supposed to be tea but got converted into dinner, God knows how. The evening ended with a nerve wrecking quiz conducted by the oh-so-adorable Rajiv and lots and lots of phones being given out. I was really amazed to see such good general knowledge in people of stuff that I hardly had any idea about. It seriously made me feel ashamed of myself. :/

Anyhow the day was a super tiring but fulfilling one for me. Back home everyone kept gushing about all the goodies I seemed to have hoarded in a single day. I got at least five people laying claim on that phone I had won. What made them think I would actually part with something I had just bagged with such elan? Bleh.

The day ended with a tired me going off to sleep with a smile on my face (and a whole lot of hair care products on the shelf). The best part of the day was that I made some fabulous new friends in the blogging world and met some of those I had only met online yet never seen before. It was enriching, exciting and needless to say, a memorable experience. Look forward to many more such meets and treats!

A whole lot of pictures there on my FB page: here!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Jump, JUMP!

This post was gonna be about something else. Something totally different, trust me. But then I started listening to this particular song on loop and it is stuck in my head just so bad that I have to share it with you all before I can proceed further to more important stuff in the following posts.

Jump jump.. Kriss Kross will make ya.. Jump, JUMP!

Does it strike a chord somewhere? Oh yeah it is the 1990s superhit song Jump, by the American rapper duo Kriss Kross comprising of those two kids with similar names that were sort of reversible. The duo's trademark was the fact that they wore their over sized clothes backwards (Beat that Eminem!)

This song is just so addictive, I've literally been listening to it on continuous loop for like ever now. Okay, maybe just about half an hour. But it makes me wanna go all hip-hop and start dancing on the bed. THAT good. Check it out.

Doesn't it make you wanna jump too? And the fact that it's just two little boys singing it makes it so much more fun! Though everyone certainly might not like it. I'm just weird sometimes in my choice of songs. But it's a complete party song. The Mac Dad will make ya, Jump JUMP! :D

(Download the mp3 here if you like it)

Know of any more such songs that make you wanna jump? Let me know!

Friday 15 June 2012

The Best Summer Vacation Ever

Summer holidays for me were never ever the same! This year is seeing a total upheaval of my idea of an ideal summer vacation. So what's the big difference? TRAVEL it is! Not beyond the four walls of the city, oh no; how I wish I could though. But this time round, I am spending my holidays traveling around town, visiting all those places I'd never seen, learning the historical nuances and different facets of the city that I call home - the place where my heart lies.

Delhi is a melting pot of cultures and traditions from across the world. It is a place where a mosque, a temple and a gurudwara can stand together in complete harmony and attract visitors of all castes and religious beliefs. If we have typical South Indian food joints and Punjabi dhabas around every other nukkad, we also have restaurants in the city serving British breakfast and authentic Chinese and Thai food. If there is the Sacred Heart Cathedral, there is also the Jama Masjid here.

There are said to have been seven cities of Delhi, established by different dynasties and rulers in different eras to suit their own whims and fancies. Invaders came, conquered, built shrines, gardens and institutions, and were then overthrown only to pave way for newer rulers, giving us a rich architectural heritage in the process. Travelers and backpackers from across the world as well as India throng Delhi throughout the year to discover the history of the ruins of monuments from the Mughal era, and to witness the traditional celebrations and religious rituals held in the many different places of worship to be found here. Delhi is indeed a traveler's true delight.

Now my love for my city hasn't been any secret from anyone. My family knows that if given the slightest chance, I'll take off with a backpack and return home God-knows-when with a ghastly tan and more to share than I can even mouth. My closest friends know my obsession with history and historical places. So much so that I was smuggled out to Safdarjung Tomb on my last birthday, only to have me cut my birthday cake there. So I kinda celebrated my BIRTHDAY at someone's BURIAL PLACE. And I didn't mind in the least. Seriously.

Given all I've said above or have ever given out about my true passions, getting to discover Delhi - in a new light, from a completely new angle - is heaven on earth for me. I've started my pursuits already, and plan to write about my travels. Now I should admit here that I don't know the first thing about writing a good travelogue. I am not a very organized traveler, nor a very smart one at that. I end up getting lost sometimes, covering several kilometers on foot in the scorching Delhi heat and falling sick once I'm back home. I plan very less, rely on my unreliable mobile internet connection for necessary info, don't even use GPS like a smartphone user normally would. I don't apply sunscreen, fumble with my umbrella on the crowded streets and end up all messy and confused in the middle of nowhere sometimes. But the only thing that matters amidst all of this craziness is that I love every minute of it. I would give up any amount of luxury and comfort of the air conditioned indoors just to be able to immerse myself in the history of a place or the magical ambiance that it radiates. And that's about it.

Yeah yeah, I get it. Enough about my perpetual love affair with craziness. I shall just conclude now, with a promise to come up with some fun (or boring!) travelogues in the coming weeks, covering monuments, temples, gurudwaras, mosques, food joints - basically any place that I end up at in the course of the best summer vacation ever. So I'll be seeing you around! :D

Saturday 9 June 2012


Excitement (noun)
1. A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
2. Something that arouses such a feeling; an exciting incident.

Yes, I am back again! And hell yeah, I AM EXCITED!
Though for now I am really short on time, so will just have to do with sharing with y'all little snippets of all the things that are making me excited. Here we go!

1. Tangy dreams coming true
My start-up Kalakhatta just got legally registered as a company. So now we aren't just Kalakhatta, we're Kalakhatta Networks Pvt. Ltd. Sounds like music to my ears, what do you think?
NOTE: The website's still under repair and upheaval. Do NOT judge by the look of it. We aim higher than we portray. ;)

2. It's rainin' MEETS!
Okay so I remember telling you all about how much fun last year's HP Originals Indiblogger meet in the city was. But tomorrow, it's gonna be a double whammy, with two Indiblogger meets in a single day! I'm all excited and chirpy. So the first meet is an all-women meet organized by Dove. (These Dove people are seriously on an intensive publicity campaign these days. They're everywhere your eyes can see! *phew*)
And the other one in the evening by Spice Mobiles isn't just confined to women, so it'll thankfully provide us with some contact with the real civilization, not just an Utopian one. A complete report on both the events is in the pipeline after tomorrow!

3. Holiday season!!!
This one should've come first, methinks. Nevertheless, it's holiday time again! That one time in the entire year when studies, assignments, files or grossly-dressed-up-and-always-smirking teachers can not bog you down. The time when you can let your spirit soar, to achieve those heights of self contentment that you've always dreamed of. *starry eyes*
Or maybe that is taking things too far. 'coz I still have a summer training to attend and a project to write and a thousand and one higher-studies-and-job-entrance exams to prepare for. So it isn't exactly such a rosy picture as I painted. But it's vacation time nevertheless,hence I get to choose when to do, what to do, and TO DO OR NOT TO DO. That's more than fine, methinks. :D

4. Freelance freelance
Yeah, like the game ghar ghar we used to play while we were kids, I've started playing freelance freelance after all. Just happened to bag an opportunity to write for this amazing tourism website that's gonna come up online in some time. I am doing reviews of places around Delhi worth visiting, for their Delhi portal. That includes traveling a lot and that too, to historical places, museums and other places of my interest. What better subject could I ever get to write about! I am thoroughly enjoying the work and the very fact that I'm being *paid* to do what I'd have otherwise done for free, for my sheer love of both travel and writing, makes it awesome. More on it as we go. :)

That's all from my side for now. But now that the evil monster called EXAM SEASON is dead (if only temporarily), I'll see you people around more often. Cheers to that. :)