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Wednesday 14 November 2012

And that's how I turned 21..!

I turned twenty one at precisely 9.43 pm on the 14th of November 2012 - just about six hours ago, so to say. And like I repeat every year, this birthday was the best birthday ever, yet again! Full of little surprises and great joys. I planned to write a long, interesting post about it, but my health doesn't really allow me that luxury right now, so I shall quickly jot down what all made it an awesome day today.

1. The surprise beginning
I woke up to a cool shower of rose petals and the sounds of 'Happy Birthday' being chimed in by my family and bestie Rose (yes, she came visiting early in the morning!) I was made to cut some awesomely gooey chocolate cake and then eat it without even brushing my teeth for a change. And all this while I was being caught on film - in my silly pink night suit and haphazard hair. Oh well. So much for birthday surprises.

2. The biggest surprise
My other bestie Jatin came over with the next surprise - a fish tank with two little fish and all the associated accessories and mumbo jumbo to go with it. I was simply overwhelmed! 'A LIVING birthday present!' was my first exclamation on setting eyes upon the aquarium. It is the perfect birthday gift I could have got today. Though caring for fish is a very arduous task and I do not know how I will do it, having no prior experience or knowledge, but I guess I shall have to give it a try once. Aren't they cute? I'm yet to decide on their names.

3. The dream birthday present
My bestie Rose is gifting me a whopping set of 21 books off my book wish list in order to help me build the personal library I've always dreamed of. What could have been a better gift for me if not this? Nothing I say. Absolutely nothing.

4. The birthday cake.
In keeping with the theme of a 'bookworm' that my friends had decided upon for my birthday, the cake was shaped to emulate a book, with a collage of my pictures on the cover.

Need I say more? The picture speaks for itself. The cake was amazing! It was actually quite yummy, and equally touching too. BEST BIRTHDAY CAKE EVER.

5. The birthday party.
We, most of us at least, aren't the wild partying sorts. So it was just an afternoon spent at a popular sports bar in south Delhi followed by candy and some jewelery shopping at Priya's complex nearby, followed by some more eating and an after-dark drive with lovely music all the way back home. Pure bliss, methinks.

6. The After-Cake
As if that big photo cake wasn't enough, my father had brought home one on his own too. So I cut another cake at night after dinner and ended the day in the company of my family and the idiot box.

Amazing day. Heart-warming surprises. Loving family. Friends worth dying for. Life sure seems pretty good now. Guess it was a pre-birthday syndrome, my earlier ranting. Let's just pretend it never happened, shall we? :)


  1. Is there any slice of cake left yet? I didn't get any :(..

    Happy 21 once again :)

  2. Happpyyy birthday!!
    I started my blog when i was 24.. n this is exactly the kind of birthday posts I use to write..u made me remember some very special memories!huggss!

  3. @Amul - Aaj jake khatam hua hai cake. Enjoyed every bite of it :D

    Thank you :)

    @Nisha - Thank you so much \(^.^)/

  4. wow.. amazing birthday you had!

    please share the video created in point one. :D

  5. @Abby - Yeah. Right. I sure will...on Doomsday. :P

  6. It does look like the best B'day ever....A fish tank, 21 books (OMG! Who's that frend? I want him/her too :-P) and such a lovely cake...I m sure it must have been over-whelming! N u look great in d bday pics :-)

  7. @Ghata - Thank you so much! :)
    The day sure was overwhelming. Real fun :)

  8. I should say, you had a dream birthday! :)

    Though I haven't commented before, I am following your blog for quite a long time ever since I read your post about women on train. I sense purity and innocence in your words. May be that's why I like this blog... Keep up the good work!

    My belated b'day wishes! :)

  9. @Arun - Even the passive presence of a regular reader means a lot to me. Thank you so much for the encouraging words and the wishes :)

    I hope you keep following! :)
