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Sunday 17 July 2011

Sick and Chirpy!

Hey folks!

Okay, I have to admit I've been MIA from my blog for a tad too long. And as much as I hate to own up to it, the thing that compelled me to return to writing today is, well, illness. Yeah. Like most people around me, I am ill right now. Been so for the past few days, intermittently though. Be it common cold, fever, sore throat, sprained ankle, body-aches, over-exertion or bingeing (yes, I consider it a disease in my case), I've been there, done that in the past few days.

So, from great experience do I say, ILLNESS IS NOT GOOD. Neither for the mind nor for the body. It just takes away the joy from life. You may get food served to you in bed, or you may have people fawning over you, asking if you need anything, or you may get to sleep a lot (i absolutely love that part). But you might recall from the very last time that you fell ill - no matter how well you're being treated, you do not seem to enjoy any of it! What's more, you pile up the kilos lying around, and poor brain suffers severe damage working overtime, as you have got nothing to do all day but to think. All you can wish for in such situations is to get well soon. You crave for the sunlight, the chirping of birds, the sounds of wheels rattling on the road and the children playing in the streets. Or not. Maybe then for the hustle-bustle of the metro, a visit to the mall, a shopping spree, a class bunk or a hangout with friends (given that we live in a modern world, not the quintessential one I would rather have wished for). Bottomline - you wanna go out there, but all you get is bedrest and pills.

Come on, it happens with everybody. Working your butt off 24*7 for weeks at end, you end up wishing you'd just fall ill and get some days off to relax. Trust me when I say, that shall never happen. It's almost as if God's off on a vacation or he's outright forgotten he created you. But that's the whole idea behind an illness! It makes a grand appearance right at the time when you most wish it didn't. And that, my friends, is the beauty of His world. Illness brings along with it a deeper message from God. It serves to teach you not to take things for granted in life. Do your work diligently when you're supposed to. And do not wish for things to go as per your whims. Because if you do, you'll end up wishing they hadn't. God knows how to teach his children some great lessons. You'll screw up in no time, wishing you'd never so much as even wished. (well, yes, I've been spending my free time watching movies back to back. This prophetic sermon comes from my watching of a certain movie that might have really been dumb, but it gave rise to the prophet in an otherwise self-proclaimed sadist. Bruce Almighty all the way. :p)

Now for some real-world talk. Some of the things I really hate about being sick:
1. I have a low tolerance to the cold. So I take a blanket to bed when ill, and hence become the butt of everyone's taunts. "We're sweating like hell and rooting for the A.C. while she's cowering in a blanket. " Yeah, right.
2. As I said, illness come at the worst time possible. Holidays are on, and with a jam-packed schedule for the coming week, I hate having to miss anything. A school reunion tomorrow, movie the day after, followed by meeting with a friend who's coming to the city only for a day, and training visit the fourth day, I wonder what'll I be missing. None, God, please! :(
3. The very fact that I'm stranded alone, sick, at home on weekdays with nothing better to indulge in than watching movies and net surfing. Don't even feel like writing most of the time.

Signing off here with an earnest hope to recover ASAP! :)
Take care friends!


  1. Angel,
    Finally you are back!! Unfortunately not in the best of your health. Get well soon. :)
    And yeah, when you have got nothing to do, you have a lot of time to think and believe me that is quite dangerous. An idle mind is a devil's workshop. I guess that is why the concept of God entered your mind.. :P Anyways, won't comment on God and your learning about life.
    Hope everything goes as per your plans and you have an amazing weekend ahead. Take care. :)

  2. Awwwwww....cold? The disease that is cured within ONE week if you take medicines and that takes SEVEN LONG DAYS to cure without medicines...Get well soon Mahima:)

  3. Cloud Nine,
    Love the comment! :D thank you for the wishes. Hope to write my next post with a healthy mind and body. :)
    Take care!ou for the wishes. Hope to write my next post with a healthy mind and body. :)
    Take care!

  4. Anonymous,

    As always, it's a pleasure to hear from you. :) as for the late reply, it's just that my keyboard isn't in working order and when I tried replying from my phone, all sorts of errors somehow were taking place with this particular comment, so I just removed it. Sorry!
    Thank you for those wishes. Hope to get well soon, I am really feeling terrible right now. And hope this keyboard gets fixed soon too, the on-screen keyboard is a pain in the neck. :(


    P.S. How have you been? :)

  5. Angel,

    I said those words because of a few rejected comments. I don't know whether they didn't reach you due to some technical glitch or you rejected them but that reminded me of your words about the end. I hope you understand. :)
    I am fine and having a good time. The only thing missing was your post. Anyways, I hope you'll be great soon. Take care. :)

  6. Anonymous,
    You know what, I just discovered three of your old comments lying in my spam folder. God knows how they got there. :-/
    Else why would I reject any of your comments? Rest assured,I won't. And good to hear you're fine. :) Do stay that way! And my posts shall definitely keep on coming. :)

  7. Hi
    Congratulations! The Directory of Best Indian Blogs is out and your nice blog figures in that. We thought, let's announce that to you.
    Since all blogs do not have emails clearly mentioned, we have taken the liberty of telling you of this by making a comment on your latest blogpost. Hope, you don't mind it.
    Happy blogging!

    ITB team

  8. Congratulations Angel!! :)
    P.S. All izz well.. :)

  9. Thank you so much Anonymous! :)

    P.S. Wonder how you always manage to materialize out of thin air to always comment first. Beats me! But nice anyway..:) :D

  10. @IndianTopBlogs
    Thank you so much for the great honour. It feels awesome to know I've been featured. And a comment on my blogpost? Certainly no better way to show it off to the world than this! Thanks again. :)

  11. I really loved reading this self introspection of yours. Your thoughts have clarity and you express well.

    When you are bored out of your wits you end up brooding. Gone is the zest for things you would have loved to do but never found time.

    But remember Mahima, this too shall pass :))

  12. Purba ma'am,
    Thank you so much. It feels great that you came by to read my blog, and liked it too. Hope to see you here more often! :)

  13. Do you think only angels have the power to foresee things?? :P ;)

  14. Anonymous,
    Well I certainly take into account your premonitory skills now. ;)
    Btw, I was meaning to ask you, was there any specific reason that you said you won't comment on God and my learnings in life?

  15. Nothing special. It's just that I am unsure about God's identity. Therefore, for me He is Anonymous and I don't want to talk about myself. ;)
    P.S. Just kidding but I hope you get the reason.. :)

  16. Yes, I got what you're pointing at. And I'd like to add that am glad to know that you are just unsure. Not an 'atheist', as I feared. As long as there is unsurity, there is still hope. Don't mind, it's just my belief. :)

  17. Exactly my point. As long as there is unsurity, there is hope. :)
    P.S. May I know why you fear atheism?

  18. Oh no, I don't fear atheism at all. What I meant was that on reading your first comment, I feared you might be an atheist. Am glad you are not. :)

  19. Angel,
    I don't know how you concluded that I am not an atheist but you are right. :)
    Anyways, just noticed a new tab "Awards and Recognition" on the homepage. I am sure the list on that page will keep on increasing. Keep smiling. Take care. :)

  20. Read your previous posts all over again. Amazing!! :)

  21. Anonymous,
    First things first - I'm astonished that you read my previous posts again. Truly, pleasantly surprised. :) thank you for the constant encouragement and appreciation..:)
    Also, well, I do tend to see what's written between the lines. That's how I concluded what I did. Good to know it's true.
    Lastly, I made a few changes in my blog design recently. Finally someone noticed! :P (am so happy it was you...yet another of the firsts!)
    Hope to be able to increase the list with an improvement in my writing. Keep the awesome feedback coming! :))

  22. Angel,
    You keep writing and the appreciation will keep on coming. Not just from me but from everybody else out there also. You are a fantastic writer and I totally enjoy reading your posts. Your posts engross the reader and trigger their imagination. Simply awesome. :)
    Lastly, I use a mobile device to navigate, therefore, the delay in noticing the change. Nice title image, btw. :)
    I tried to decipher the hidden meaning of the image. The girl is wearing a flower in hairs on her left side which means that her life is beaming with love and happiness. However, she is playing with a heart shaped thing which points that she is anxious and may be still waiting for someone special in her life. She has her eyes down which speaks of her shy nature but the gentle smile on her lips tells that she is quite an extrovert and full of life.

  23. Anonymous,
    Thank you so much. Really, it means a lot to be appreciated like this. It gives a writer the motivation to do better. :)
    And I must say, you've done quite a thorough analysis of my title image. Impressive. :D
    The girl in the picture embodies all those traits that I like to believe Yours Truly is characterised by. :) I loved the picture at first glance, and found it apt for my blog. And I'm glad to see it brings out the essence of my blog perfectly to my audience. :)

  24. Angel,
    The urge to do better every time is what makes you different. Keep writing and keep improving. :)

    P.S. Talk about choices.. ;)

  25. Anonymous,
    Thank you. Keep up the great following! :)
