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Thursday 22 September 2011

6 Places I'd Love to Visit

Continuing with The 10 Day YOU Challenge series, I arrive today with a list of six places I absolutely love to visit. Now a place needn't necessarily mean a city or a country. And yeah, the title is kind of a misnomer, given that the places I'm thinking of are not necessarily the ones I would like to visit in the future, but also the ones that I love to visit often. You'll understand better once you read my six favorite places. Here goes:

1. Kashmir. It is better known as Paradise on Earth. But that's not the only reason why I love it - there's more.
For instance, Kashmir is the most perfect combination of water, plains and mountains. The peace and tranquility one experiences, sailing on a Shikara on the Dal lake - it's otherworldly. Visit the place and bask in the beauty. Get cornered by a Kashmiri cloth vendor on the street trying to sell you his wares. Look at lovely little Kashmiri girls clutching their books, going to school. Stay on a house boat on the Dal Lake, sit in solitude out on the verandah in the evening and look at the sun going down behind the Himalayas. Sheer bliss.

2. Ancient Monuments and Forts. As I mentioned earlier, history transfers me to another, totally novel world. A world distant from the city's rush, pollution, the callousness of people and their indifferent ways. Sitting amid ancient dilapidated structures with a profound history behind each wall, each arch - it is eternally transcendental. For me, the feeling is overpowering and cannot be paralleled by any other.

That's an amateurish shot of the Bada Darwaza (main entrance) of the Purana Quila (Old Fort) in Delhi on a particularly bright sunny afternoon. I am a photography enthusiast too, remember?

3. A Hair Salon. I am the kind of person who doesn't get hair cuts very often. But when I do get one, I get it done from good salons, by thorough professionals who know their business well. Just because the feeling you get there is awesome. With professionals washing your hair with the utmost gentleness and poring over what look to give to your hair, all the while you sitting in a massage chair, the feeling is great. You have to feel it to believe it. And the outcome of the hair styling is always, as in ALWAYS, awesome.

4. A Stationery/Book Store. Stationery and books are the ultimate feel-good factors for me. The vast collection of books and stationery in a store gives me a different kind of high. The smell of new notebooks, the feel of new pens and erasers in my hand give rise to my inner excitement to write something on paper, as opposed to my usual keypad writing. And a new book is always a great buy, no matter how broke it may leave me behind.

5. Coffee Shops. I belong to the generation of hookah lovers and pub-frequenters. Yet, the charm of a simple coffee shop never fails to mesmerize me. Sitting in a laidback posture, sipping my coffee, enjoying the the smell of coffee all around - it's heavenly. And a Cafe Coffee Day can be located every few kilometers in my city, thank God for that.

That's a shot of the interior of my favorite coffee lounge in Delhi.

6. Italy. This one's my travel aspiration for the future - my first and foremost aspiration in world travel. Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan - some of the world's most quaint, picturesquely beautiful and ancient places I would just love to visit and spend some time in. Venice in particular is a truly enigmatic place. Water, water everywhere - just perfect for me.

I must admit I had a certain amount of difficulty putting together this short list. I am a restless girl. I cannot stay home for even a few days at a stretch. I love to travel, not just out of the city or country but within the city and its by-lanes too. So deciding upon my favorite six places in the world is like a mother being partial to six of her innumerable children. (Do they still produce so many kids? Last I checked, the slogan said "hum do, humara ek".) Whatever. Hence this is just a starter to the real story of my travel aspirations, which I might cover in some later post.

As always, let me know what you think. Take care, keep smiling and keep traveling! :)


  1. Angel,

    The places a person wants to visit tell quite a lot about her personality. Going by the way you described Kashmir and Venice, it's clear that you are a peace loving human being who loves to be close to nature. The forts and salon show that you wish to have a lavish life. As you said "Live life Queen size." :)


  2. Anonymous,

    I've never before had anyone tell me something about myself with such confidence and clarity, and be perfectly correct at the very same time. Your observation skills are definitely improving in proportion to my writing skills. :D
    I indeed feel the most at peace and comfort in proximity to nature, and I do love to live my life in style. You're right all the way. :)
    What's the one place you most wanna visit?

  3. Angel,

    Thanks. The main point is that you are opening up more and more with each post and therefore, the better observations. :)

    I am an avid traveler and have already visited many parts of the country. But someday I'd like to visit the Niagra Falls. Leh Ladakh comes a close second. :)


  4. And since you posted this one so late, I was afraid you might miss it today. But you didn't. Keep going. Take care. :)


  5. Anonymous,

    I'd never miss out on the deadline for a single post in this series. It is close to my heart. :)
    And I've traveled far and wide across the nation too, but
    there's still lots more to see. Goa occupies a top slot in the rest of my wish list, with Leh Ladakh somewhere
    nearabout. :)

  6. Angel,

    For a travel junkie, it's impossible to list all the places of interest. The list can be endless including places from bylanes of your city to far out in the space. Whenever you have the chance to visit a new place, you don't think whether that place is on your list or not. You just pack your bags and start the exploration. :)

    P.S. Whenever you visit Goa, do visit the Dudhsagar and the Jog falls. They are breathtakingly awesome. :)


  7. A book store is something which can keep me busy all day! I'm so happy to see it included in your list! :P.. Surely nothing beats the smell of those books! God! Refreshing!

    And yes whenever you're on your way to Italy! Do remember me please! I gotta see that place atleast once before i die! ;)

    Another great post! You sure are on a roll! :)

  8. Anonymous anonymous everywhere, and not person to name :P:P
    Bad, was it?:P

    This is the con(or pro may be) of commenting after a huge time gap. All I see is a string of comments, and then I can't stop myself. :D

    Your post covered every aspect of what a normal girl wants out of her special life. (Every life is special, remember?:))

    I loved it. Awesome. :)


  9. Anonymous,

    Very nicely put, as always. :)
    And it's great to know you've been to Goa. That's one experience everyone should indeed have in life. I look forward to my own, sometime in the future. :)
    And I'll make it a point to visit the places you suggest. Thank you!

  10. Amar,

    Welcome back!!! *phew*
    Your comments were wanting for very long. Great to know you love books and bookstores as much as I do! :)

    And your ticket to Italy has been confirmed. You may avail of it tonight. In your dreams. ;)

    Haha. Kidding! You know you're invited whenever I have the opportunity. And thank you so much! Great to have you back! :)

  11. Rose,

    No matter how many comments, whether 10 or a 100(I wish!), yours is ALWAYS awaited. You know that. :)

    Every life indeed is special, be it a boy's or a girl's(a little more though). Thank you baby! <3
