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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Exam blues - already!

As I fix my daily dose of caffeine and get comfy into my Beanu (that's how I lovingly address my new bean bag), I take a look around. And by God, does it depress me. Books and books everywhere. Okay, not THAT many, to be honest. But even three engineering course books lying together give out an impression of a whole lot of them. You can't even reckon how fat and how utterly depressing they can get. And to think, I have a couple of engineering years still in front of me. Wonder how I'll tide through them without going insane.

Contrary to what you might be conjecturing up right now, my exams are not on. They're still a whole 5 days away. A SAFE 5 days to go. But at the risk of sounding all geeky and muggerish (did I just invent that word?), I have started preparing already. And because of my awesomely slow pace, I just hope to be able to scrape through the course by the time I enter the exam hall (as always). Amen!

Literally, come exams and my mind suddenly fills up with all sorts of fun things to do. My friends know me only too well to know that I get all restless and shifty as soon as the official 'exam-prep' period begins. My hands itch to write that one long-called-for blog post, my eyes want to read and re-read all those novels gathering dust on my bookshelf, my heart desires to watch those half a dozen movies that were otherwise lying isolated somewhere on my laptop. I suddenly find myself surrounded by a hundred options to indulge myself. It's as if these fun things always wait for my exams to approach in order to uncover themselves. And here I lie, flanked by my Automatic Control Systems textbook on the left, and a Database Management Systems book on the right. WTH. Why is life supposed to be so unfair? I wonder.

Anyway, my coffee is long finished and I can almost see my books beckoning me to pick them up and immerse myself in studies now. So I'll get going. But I have some good news to share before I sign off! There are some very interesting posts coming up right after my examinations. A 10-day YOU challenge I've been dying to take up. So till I come up with some awesome ME stuff, keep smiling and keep reading! :)


  1. Agar aap exams se 5 din pehle hi padhna shuru kar dete hain aur uske baare mein post bhi karte hain to examination hall ke kone mein khade khusad examiner ki kasam "Aap ghissu hain".

    Hello Angel!! :)
    Good luck for your preparations. Have a great time with your Beanu. :)
    Ek free ki advice: To get rid of the depressing pile of books, start reading from e-books, online lectures and video tutorials. :)


  2. Anonymous,

    Hi! And lol...that opening line was a good one. I was actually expecting such lines might be thrown at me, while I was writing this post. :P
    Regarding studying from alternative sources, I donno why, maybe it's a personal fixation of mine, but I feel I won't have time left to do the 'actual' prescribed course if I went about understanding concepts from video tuts. Ebooks I don't prefer over actual books. But I think I'll take your advice this time and go for video tuts for one or two subjects. Thank you! :)

    P.S. All the best for your exams too. ;)

  3. Angel,

    One thing is for sure. With actual books, the chances of getting distracted are much less as compared to the e-books or video tutorials. But once you start using them regularly, you'd find them much better. :)

    P.S. Your P.S. was based on the assumption that I am a student which is not true. :P


  4. Lol...okay, my conjecture might be wrong. But the assumption doesn't sound so far-fetched if you look at it from the point of view that I'm looking at it from. Anyhow, I'll go by what you want me to believe. :)

  5. All the best for the exams :)

    And then, Happy Blogging!!
