Blogger Pages

Sunday 25 September 2011

The 3 *sigh* Movies I Love

Being an absolute movie addict and still having to choose only three movies that I love the most is what makes me sigh above. Come on, it's so hard to not love a hundred movies at the same time! Movies are my friend, confidante as well as my punching bag. No matter how hard I work all seven days of the week, given my college, assignments, frequent exams and weekend classes, my week still doesn't conclude unless and until I watch at least 3 to 4 (sometimes even more) movies. That is how much I love 'em.

Coming back to the point, here's a list of the three movies that first came to my mind when I thought about writing this post.

1. Pursuit of Happyness
The most classic movie ever! No words to describe reduces me to tears, every single time. The father-son bonding shown by real-world father-son duo is to die for. Jaden Smith as a kid will take your heart away (and never return it :P). And Will Smith is, well, Will Smith. He needs no introduction.

2. Notting Hill
Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts in a beautiful love story. Things never got better for the mush-lover in me. Oh yeah, completely forgot to mention, I am an extremely mushy person at heart. And that shows in my choice of favorite movies. Anyhow, this one's a lovely movie, worth a watch for everyone.

3. You've Got Mail
I've watched this flick like 5 times by now. The first time was when I was around 16, on HBO, and I instantly loved it. I guess that love sort of never ebbed. Meg Ryan is the ultimate mush-girl of her time, and Tom Hanks somehow looks very convincing in this one. Give it a dekko!

As the days go by and the numbers keep decreasing - 10 secrets, 9 loves, 8 fears, 7, 6, 5, 4 and now 3 movies - I start to despair. I was kind of attached to this series, which for a change was all about me and very intimate details about my own life and choices. and now that it's shortly going to come to an end, feels weird letting go of it. Have you ever felt this way about something? Let me know your thoughts. :)


  1. surprised to see no bollywood in ur list :o
    well...I haven't watched any of these movies...and now i'll :)

  2. Keshav,
    Movies in Bollywood are made by formula. They are
    good for passing time and staying up to date about
    the trends, but as far as my favorite movies are
    concerned, they're the ones that have left a lasting
    impact on me. And these three they are!

  3. And unexpectedely I am again the first to comment :) btw plz do read my blogs too yaa...I feel bad and insulted when there is no comment or follower...seems as if m writing for myself ! Yaa to my writing is not good enough or no one comes to know about them...although daily increment in page views fascinates me ;)

  4. Caring and Loving Angel,

    Some of the best movies I've ever seen. All three of them are superb. :)

    10 days is a huge amount of time to think about yourself. Attachment to the series was obvious. Once a friend of mine left a puppy for a few days at my home while he was out of town. Within a short time, everyone in my family developed a strong relation and fondness for him. When my friend came back to collect him, everyone wore a dull face. Disappointed and dejected.
    Sometimes you start loving things in such a short span that it feels weird to split with them afterwards.


  5. Keshav,
    I'll make it a point to read your blog ASAP.
    And look, I should've said this before you took up this challenge, but I just didn't have the heart to discourage you so. But it isn't a matter of days in which a new blog grows from a little seedling into a huge tree. It takes a lot of time, patience, perseverence and promotion in the right places on the internet, to make yourself seen. Even then, the popularity you earn depends upon your writing style and content. To expect to start getting followers and appreciation within a week of starting a blog is a bit too much to ask, don't you agree? Besides, I think you should proof read and edit each post before posting, to eradicate any typos or grammatical blunders, 'coz I found quite a few of them in your very first post. Good luck! :)

  6. Anonymous,

    Trust you to justify things with such beautiful examples! :)
    I understand that, and I've vowed to myself to make it a point after the conclusion of this series to write at least twice every week, in order to keep up my regularity as well as attachment with my blog and my readers. :)
    I hope I am able to keep up my vow.

  7. Meouww
    Thanks a lot for that reply...this means a lot to me and my encouragement and yes i know i am not that good at is just a mere try to let people know about me as deeply as possible.
    And i would love to get a review from you about all my posts related to this challenge :)
    P.S. I wont mind u teaching me some tips ;)
    Thank You

  8. That's okay Keshav. I'm a very helpful person you see ;)
    First thing, you shouldn't be bogged down by criticism, and try to imbibe all the good points into your blog. Besides, now that you've told me the purpose of your writing, I'd suggest you to circulate your blog's link among all your friends, because they're the ones you want should know you more deeply, right? This will help in realizing the purpose for sure.

    Wish you all the best!

  9. thanks...It would be good if you ll teach me in more detail :D and the first and foremost person who should have a look into it is you :)
    here's the link !!!

  10. I've read them already. They're nice! :)
    Just keep in mind all those things I've said to you with regards to improving your blog, and keep working on've got a long way to go!

  11. Angel,

    WOW!!! That was beyond expectations!! :D Though your posts are always great, I hope you would write only when you want to and not just to keep your vow. Take care. :)


  12. Anonymous,

    You got me wrong there. :P
    I write only because I love to write! It's just that sometimes I don't get enough time or inclination, or am too lazy to write, and so it slackens my frequency of posting. But I've developed such an attachment to my blog and to you, my lovely readers, that I don't like to stay away from it for long. And I fear, once this series concludes, I might relapse to my old lazy ways. THAT is the issue I'm trying to address. Else, if I could, I'd write every day for as long as I could - it destresses me like nothing else can. :)

  13. Angel,

    Oops! I am sorry. Actually I didn't about know the 'laziness' factor before it made way into the ten secrets post. Now I understand you better. ;)
    I'd love to read you everyday - "it destresses me like nothing else can." Hope you won't retract back into your old ways. :)


  14. I'm so in love with Jaden Smith, and of course the movie. One of the most beautiful and meaningful movies of our times, Pursuit of Happyness it is.

    I'm really neutral about the other two movies, the reason being, the only reason perhaps, that I'm not a romantic movie fan. Once in a while, its fun to watch them, but none left a lasting impression.

    And its really amazing that you have got anonymous (admirer?) who are regularly reading you, to appreciate your thought process, and your literal skills, and not just for the sake of "being a reader" just for the sake of it and crying for attention, if not everyone's , but surely yours, desperately.

    As I always say, I love your work :D


  15. Anonymous,

    Quoting back my words at myself. Wow, you sure know your way with words. Just like me. ;)

    Thank you so much. Your constant support really means a lot, and keeps me going. Hope to be able to hold on to it forever. :)

  16. Rose,

    LOL. I love it when you say you don't like romantic movies. If you know what I mean. *hein hein hein*

    And ya! God knows where I'd have been today had I not enabled anonymous commenting on my blog! I am glad for their presence as much as I know you are. :)

    P.S. That jibe was awesome but deadly. Keep up the great work baby! ;)

  17. Awesome choice!! :D
    Pursuit of Happyness is amazing!! Rest of the two are also good. I guess it must have been a tough job for you to choose 3 of them given that you are a movie buff. But then the challenge is supposed to be a difficult one to complete. :P Nice that you completed it. :)

  18. Arun,

    Thank you so much. :)
    More than my completing it, I am happier you could actually complete reading all the posts. :P

    Let's see if you can take it yourself. ;)

  19. Arey I followed your blog regularly, reading each post as it came. Sachchi mein. :D
    But couldn't post comments out of laziness. In fact, Rose and I had a few discussions regarding your blogposts. :P

    As far as taking up the challenge is concerned, I thought upon it but then decided to drop the plan. The first post is quite difficult to compile. :D

  20. Arun,

    I knew you wouldn't take it up for anything in the world. Isliye bola. :P

    And wow, people do discuss about my blogs with each other. ;D
