Blogger Pages

Saturday 31 December 2011

Welcome 2012!

So...2012 is finally here. I wanted this post to be my last post of the year 2011, but what with scores of text and call wishes coming in, it took a little more time to complete, so here I am, writing my first blog post in the new year. :)

Now I am sure you'd be expecting me to write nice, mushy and full-of-hope stuff tonight. I wish. But my mind has suddenly gone blank. Can't think of anything nicer than to wish everyone a happy new year! I just hope it doesn't turn out to be the last year of this civilization. On second thought, I don't really mind even if it indeed does. I love life but I live in the present rather than in the future. Sometimes in the past too, but that is excusable, right? I just had what was perhaps the most beautiful and significant year of my life. Seeing it end makes me kinda sad. Mellow. But I am hoping to have another beautiful and eventful year ahead. :)

It's been a great year for me in all spheres of life. The start of the year saw me going through a tough phase. Mid of the year had taking some of the most decisive steps of my professional life. This year probably even shaped my whole career, so it sure has been decisive. And the end of the year has literally brought me all the happiness, peace of mind and closure I needed in life. What more could one ever want from life I wonder. It has been a year of change. And I am content with what I received, that is to say the least. And likewise, I hope this coming year brings a lot of success, prosperity, exuberance, everlasting happiness and contentment into everybody's life. Given the hype and anticipation surrounding 2012, it would be nothing if not an eventful year. But lets just hope for the best from it.

On this hopeful note, let me wish you all a very beautiful new year ahead. May it be the best year you've ever had. Stay blessed! :)

P.S. Don't forget to make some resolutions for the coming year, and work extra hard throughout the year to achieve them! You might as well break a few too, because that's what new year resolutions are made for nowadays, right? ;) Cheers!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Is the New Year really here?

Well, it's a genuine question. Straight from my heart. Is the New Year really here? I mean, didn't 2011 just begin? I guess not. And reality says 2012 is indeed just 2 days and a few hours away. But I was loving this year! I was enjoying probably the best days I've had over the whole of 2011. Does it have to end already? *whining* Oh, but wait. Just because the year is gonna end and we're entering a new year, doesn't mean the fun has to end too, right? I think I'm still gonna enjoy my life as much as ever. *relieved*

For now I'm just loving the extremely chilly weather and the fog that is enveloping Delhi these days. Feels like I'm back in Kashmir, with the familiar freezing of hands as I type this and the loads of layers of clothes that I'm wearing, not to miss the warm fuzzy cap on my head right now.

I am not feeling very festive right now, given that I seldom step out of the house for anything more than a pack of chips, and have no plans for shopping or partying with friends or family over the next few (many) days. So I guess it's just gonna be another boring New Year's eve at home, being forced to watch those stupid old New Year bashes on TV with those brainless celebrities shaking their booties onstage for an insane amount of money that ups itself even more insanely every year. That's the part where I get sad. Why can't a poor girl`have her Christmas pie and eat her New Year cake too?

But I am not sure I'm done on that as yet. I'll be writing again before the year ends. So for now I'll just share with you what I did this Christmas. Well, for one, I spent my day at my relatives' place, catching up with cousins and baking cookies for the first time in my life. Okay, most of the work was done by my cousin brother who's into all this cooking stuff, but I helped too! The outcome wasn't exactly fabulous, but it was good enough for us to pat our backs and declare it a worthwhile effort. Coming to gifts, I got this lovely pair of gloves in my favorite colors from my bestie Rose.

They came wrapped in a cute Christmassy paper and can be worn in three different ways. Cool eh? Yeah, yeah, I know I am bordering on pretty childish behavior there, but what the heck, it's festive time! :D

Okay so what more? What is the one thing left without which a Christmas isn't really a Christmas? Well, a Christmas tree it has to be, duh. I didn't have a chance to behold any elaborately done trees this time round *sigh* but I sure saw a little one in the Domino's joint where we had our post-Xmas lunch, bestie and I.

A pretty offbeat and makeshift kind of Christmas that, don't you think? Can't help it, it's always like that in my little part of the world. Weird people, weird things. I love my life anyhow.

Let me know what you did on Christmas! And may you all have a great time celebrating and ushering in the New Year in your own different but cheerful ways. Let the cheer spread! :)

Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

To all my lovely readers,

A very merry Christmas!! :D

It's hard for me to believe how fast this year really went by. It seriously feels like 2011 just came and went as if it were only about a month long. That fast. But where did it go really?? I wonder. Anyway, it was a wonderful year on the whole. With an absolutely beautiful ending. I couldn't have wanted more from life. No regrets. :)

So here's something to make my blog all festive and Christmassy, in perfect synch with the spirit of the season.

I clicked this beautifully decorated Christmas tree on last year's visit to The Hilton, probably for post-Christmas or New Year's lunch. I found it befitting the description of the perfect X-mas tree.

I feel it in my fingers,
I feel it in my toes,
Christmas is all around me,
and so the feeling grows.

It's written in the wind,
It's everywhere I go,
So if you really love Christmas,
C'mon and let it snow.

For me this song embodies the Christmas spirit perfectly. It's from the film Love Actually, one of my favorite feel-good movies. Check it out for sure!

But not taking up any more space or time (it's Christmas after all - lots of celebrations awaiting all of us!) I wish you all a very happy festive season ahead, and a fabulous Christmas! Tell me how it was!

Share the love and joy. :)

Monday 19 December 2011

Indiblogger Meet in Delhi


This interjection was meant to signify that I've finally got an internet connection at the new house. Two more days I'd have had to bear this phone internet, and I'd have died of lack of exposure to the virtual sunlight and rain. Well, that might be an exaggeration really, but you get the drift I hope.

My exams are on and I'm having a gala time doing nothing all day but eat, sleep and roam around the new neighborhood. I now understand what a thrill explorers must have derived from their pursuits of totally new places. I am having a good time exploring my humble little neighborhood. :)

Okay so I know I am late in posting about this, but yeah, I attended the HPOriginals Indiblogger Delhi meet held last Sunday at The Park Hotel, Connaught Place. And all I can say is, there could have been no better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon, especially when you have a major examination the very next day for which you're not in the least prepared.
The day was spent mingling with bloggers not only from all over the city and NCR, but from other cities as well. That is the kind of craze we bloggers have for our passion. There were some 150 odd people gathered for the meet, who blog about myriad topics encompassing everything under the sun, right from food, love and technology to video tutorials, photography and database of best dating websites (lol, that's true!) It was a truly inspiring and enjoyable event, with lots of discussions, fun, food and even a treasure hunt thrown in. HP, who were sponsoring the event, gave away huge number of USB flash drives and Printers, complete with a year's supply of cartridges too. How cool is that? I didn't get the printer, sadly, but won an awesome pen drive in the treasure hunt. :D I think every single person there did get at least one prize that afternoon. Now that's what we call an awesome event, isn't it?

Here are some of the snaps from the event.

(Photos courtesy: Indiblogger and their official photographer, I fail to know who)

And that's the print on the t-shirts that all the participants got as a complementary present:

As of today I'm left with only two exams to go. So the feelings of freedom and ecstasy are gradually creeping in from all corners. I am in great anticipation of the two weeks of holidays our crappy university administration has very generously decided to grant us this year round. A big round of applause for them (sic). Am really excited as to what all I'll be doing to make full use of this rare commodity called holidays. More on that once these exams get over. For now, I am really glad to announce that my guest post on FTLOFAOT, like I earlier mentioned here, is underway and will get posted within a day or two. Cheers! :)

Friday 9 December 2011

What's new?

Let not the title mislead you. This news-update-kind-of-post does not mean I have run out of ideas to write about. In fact, quite contrarily, my mind's been overactive these past few days, owing a lot probably to the lack of physical exercise in my life. Yes, it is the week before my semester ending examinations, and I have nothing else to do all day but sit and think of what to study (and then study - but I seldom reach that stage) or to eat and sleep. No TV, no internet connection as of now, and no college or friends to spend some fun time with. It is mind-numbingly boring and monotonous. Days literally seem to drag on for months.

I've been meaning to write but a phone isn't exactly the kind of device I prefer to update my blog from. Feels primitive, insufficient. But it had been too long that I'd been away...had to write. So, just thought lemme start off with a few updates on what's new in this lovely month of December.

1. On the personal front - I've shifted my residence, like I mentioned earlier I was going to. It was a pretty smooth transition. The new house is quite airy, full of windows, with a backyard and a lawn, though unkempt for now. Most of my idle time is spent sitting beside the front window looking at the weather changing through the day. Being in the vicinity of one of Delhi's most happening markets, I've only visited it once in all this time. Haven't really got any friends out here, plus it is exam time, so all indoor rest and no play is making me a dull girl. Literally.

2. Delhi's 100 years of glory - So! My beloved city is turning 100 this December. And am I not proud. The 12th of December 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of the day the city of Delhi was officially made the national capital. Its new imperial look, as seen around the Secretariat area better known as Lutyen's Delhi, was designed by a team of British architects headed by Lutyen and Baker after its gaining this title. There is debate nowadays about whether this date should make us feel proud, or remind us of India's 200 years of British rule. I personally feel it is a happy occasion - we should celebrate the good in it. And this day symbolises our city gaining such a prestigious status as the one it holds till date. It calls for celebration, doesn't it? :)

3. Delhi 100 Food Festival - To mark the conclusion of Delhi's 100th year as the National capital, Hindustan Times is organising this festival that started on the 24th of November all over the city, supposed to go on till the 31st of December. It has 50 top-notch restaurants/food chains participating, with each of them offering one of their signature food items for 100 bucks all through the duration of the festival. What more, the participating restaurants include the likes of those at Hyatt Regency, Hilton, Shangri la, Moti Mahal, Khan Chacha and Karims, offering delectable cuisines that further strengthen Delhi's status as the Food Capital of India. I plan to catch up on some of the items off the list. But that'll make for another post altogether. Do make it a point not to miss it - Delhi doesn't turn 100 ever again!

For the list of participating restaurants and further ideas on how to join in on the celebration of this great once-in-a-lifetime event, you may refer here.