Blogger Pages

Monday 8 October 2012

I'm a model now!

LOL. The title makes me double up with laughter every time I see it. Well, technically, I did model for a big brand recently, no matter how small (or unpaying) the contract might have been. But it still sounds so funny and impractical, at least to me.

Okay, facts first. Some time ago, right after the Dove Indimeet I'd attended in June and had written about here, I was approached by the Indiblogger guys with an offer to model for Dove's online advertising campaign. They said 5-6 female bloggers from the whole bunch of Indibloggers had been shortlisted for the campaign (compliment taken!) and I was one of them. I was asked for some photos of mine and deliberated with upon the style and text etc of the ad I would be appearing in.

That was however a long time ago. Way back in July.
Last I heard, the advertisements had been run on a few websites and neither Dove nor Indiblogger had cared enough to even inform the models that their ads were up, so that at least we could have had a look at ourselves being flashed somewhere on the web! But anyway, I pestered Renie Revin about it recently, and here's the result - a couple of screenshots of one of the websites where my ad was run for some time. Can't say it's much of a big deal, but it's the first time I have been offered a modeling assignment (LOL again :P), even if only online (not even print!) and short-duration. But I was happy to see my face up there along with the 'Dove' tag. Kind of a nice thing to have happened to me. :)

Take a look!

It isn't that hard to find me on those pages...or is it? I know, with so many beautiful women just gets hard to know which one's me, right? Haha! And that blurry little text alongside my picture says 'Mahima, Author, Lifestyle Blogger'. They chose to make me an author!! That is so cool. I love Dove. No, really, I do NOW.

Now, considering that this is my second post in the last few hours, it must be evident that I am super vella today. Or maybe I'm just running away from some more important and pressing things to do and to think about. But whatever it is, I'm just glad I managed to write two posts within one night. *pumps fist in the air*

Feedback on the above pictures invited! How do I look? Model-like, no? (LOL...again :P)


  1. Ahem! Ahem! Alternate career option? ;)

  2. Well, what to say. If I didn't make it as an engineer with a boring job or a writer with a couple of published titles under her name, who knows maybe I'll consider this as an alternate career option. ;)

  3. Very nice. Well congratulations... About the other question, model like... well... hmmmmmmm..... :D

    Being Traveler | Himanshu Nagpal

  4. @Himanshu - Diplomacy eh? Haha...thank you! :) :P

  5. There are these words I often come across "duniya mei kitne log hai jo gumnaami ki zindagi jeete hai aur fir iss duniya se chale bhi jaate hai"

    You madam have made your name appear on the web, with a picture and not to forget the title of an author. Not to be taken lightly. It is indeed Awesome B-)

    Stay Blessed ^_^

  6. Areee....this is awesome girl :-)

  7. wow mahima congratss :D :D

  8. @The Guy In The Mirror - Thank you so much. Your take on it makes me feel so much more awesome! :D

    @Ghata - Awww..thank you! :)

    @Vinisha - Thank you so much! ^_^

  9. Congrats....whats your next project ???? :D

    do visit my blog :)

  10. @Mahima: I am a good photographer, so if you choose modeling as an alternate career, can I book an appointment right now for a portrait shoot? ;) :P Haha

  11. Congrats, you look pretty in those pics

  12. Haha..good one.. I mean the picture :p
    If it was me, I would be happier being called an author!!

  13. @Arjun - project? Who knows! ;)

    @Amul - Why, yes! Absolutely! Would love to :D

    @Pesto Sauce - Thanks. I love the name! 'pesto sauce'! :D

    @Nisha - I am happy being called an author too. Dream come true. Thanks! :)

  14. Congrats you are looking more as a Hair expert.

    Do you have any remedy to increase hair density :)

  15. @Naddy - Thank you! If you ask me, I'd suggest you take homeopathic medication. It works wonders on hair problems, you just got to be patient for a few months and you'll see good results. :)

  16. well good but i am still wondering why u were not informed about the campaigns proactively.. any ways all that ends well is well...

  17. @Desi Traveler - Even I was left wondering about that. But I looked into it, it was a fault on the part of Dove people. What to say, am happy with the outcome anyway. So no complaints :)

  18. Looks really interesting.. though the assignment may have been small.. looks attractive and the outcome definitely is cool..
    P.S.. rem we met at the Indimeet?
