Blogger Pages

Sunday 18 September 2011

The 10 Secrets of My Life

Have I seriously taken up a challenge that requires me to disclose TEN well-kept secrets of mine to the world? Wow. I’m certainly turning too brave for my skin.
Well then, here are the 10 secrets that I’m gonna share with you today.

1. There are many of those times in my life when I get a severe attack of inferiority complex. From anyone – be it a good looking or well dressed girl I see, or an intelligent classmate, or just a fellow musician or guitarist. I can’t help but feel low, thinking how bloody useless a person I am. My friends won’t share my views on this matter though. Precisely why it’s a guarded secret of mine. :P

2. I am a trained Reiki healer. Well yes, I am, thank you.

3. I used to write poetry as a child, in fact even till a few years back. What makes this a secret is that I never show my poetry to anyone, as it is too personal and close to my heart. Most of my friends wouldn’t even know I write anything except a blog.

4. I’ve virtually been best friend-less for most of my growing up years. The one who was there for the longest time was, well, anything but a best friend.

5. I cry. Yes, that might sound like a very normal thing for any common person to do, but according to most people who know me, I am not one who would ever cry. Seriously they believe that! A few days ago I accidentally mentioned to a friend that I was in a bad mood and I cried, and he was like – WTF! Tu roti bhi hai? That hit me like a meteorite. So friends, know it - I do cry, and much more than you would ever think!

6. I listen to depressing songs. The soft, sad Westlife kind. Or the yelling-shouting Metallica and Evanescence kind. But not the usual lovey-dovey, happy songs I should be listening more to.

7. I was an absolute teacher’s pet in school. Not in the least intentionally, trust me on that. Yet I was like the apple of every teacher’s eyes. And from I got to know recently, most of my classmates hated me for that. LOL

8. I am a lazy person. Even moving from my place to fetch stuff from across the room is a task for me. My parents are fed up of my laziness and of telling me to work out and shed a few kilos. Hard luck there, I say.

9. I am prone to depression. Why, how, when etc is not gonna be part of this confession. But I literally struggle to pass days sometimes, without touching rock-bottom. Sure there are bright sunny days too. But scant and far-spaced.

10. I am freaking out right now. Half of the things I’ve just confessed were not supposed to be said. But now that the cat is out of the bag, I feel a hundred tonnes lighter. But I fear the consequences. God save me now. :P

With that, the first installment of the 10 Day YOU Challenge is done. And within this one day, I have managed to convince another friend of mine to take the challenge with me. Waiting for more daredevils to come forward! ;)


  1. Angel,

    Just one word: Disappointed.


  2. Angel,

    One more thing.
    It's impossible to keep everyone happy. Keep writing. Waiting for tomorrow's post. :)


  3. Anonymous,
    Well you answered your first comment yourself.
    Though I am sad this post of mine disappointed you, but you see, it wasn't meant to be written to satisfy anyone but myself. So I guess you'll just have to bear whatever I confess for the next 9 days. :P
    Keep reading and letting me know your views. :)

  4. Angel,

    Yeah, I know that. It's just that some of the *secrets* you mentioned are really not worth calling a secret. :P Maybe the reason behind is that I don't really know you as a person and I took each secret as if it was for a normal person. However, every human being is different and judging them on the same criterion is unjust. Therefore, the realization. :)

    But yes, it was nice to know about some of them. Eagerly waiting for the next posts. :)


  5. Anonymous,

    Again you answered yourself. :)
    Thank you. You won't have to wait long for the next post, it's coming up quicker this time. :)

  6. Angel,

    I ask something and then answer myself. Am I that bad at asking things? :P

  7. No. Actually, you're good at answering questions. So good that you end up answering your own too. :P

  8. An Admirer(now u can fancy yourself with imagining who? :-) )

    Nice post! Never thought of half the things though the other half was pretty evident from the offbeat convos we had.

  9. Admirer,

    I don't know whether to be happy or frustrated at having another Anonymous follower. Let's just decide on the former. :)

    Okay so firstly, thank you! Now, care to disclose who you are, given that we've had some "offbeat convos"? I'd really appreciate it. :)

  10. An Admirer
    that curious, eh? :-p
    i like that mixed reaction, so sadly that means a no to the confessional thingy. I love playing sadistic(too strong a word but apparently lack of another and can't drag my fingers to look up synonyms on google)
    Though if it bugs u I might save u the frustration and stop further.

  11. Admirer,

    When it comes to sadism, rest assured, you can never ever beat me at it. So good luck there! :P
    And as for my mixed reaction, it wasn't exactly so. 'Frustration' was the product of lack of a better word in my mind at that instant, and the laziness of not googling it up. :P So please don't stop at any cost! If anonymity is what thou liketh, thou shalt have it. :)

  12. An Admirer

    I thank thee for ur grace my fair lady. Thee asked for it and it is given.

    Though anonymity is not to my liking, I chose to tread that path so as to not catch attention.I prefer a low profile for myself. Thee asked for it and it is given.

    Though anonymity is not to my liking, I chose to tread that path so as to not catch attention.I prefer a low profile for myself.

  13. Admirer,
    I get your point. :)
    And while commenting from your phone, you might wish to double-check the comment before clicking OK. This problem of repeated lines often happens with me too. :)

  14. not really secrets *feel like inserting straight-face smiley here* :D but i'll let it go this time :P not exactly you best, but a good read nevertheless :)

  15. CB

    See, this post is relative for every person. The ones who know this side of mine, find it quite non-enlightening :P While for others, it is quite informative. So I accept each opinion as it comes. And thank you :)
    Am waiting for your posts in this series! :D

  16. So you started off the series with '10 secrets'. Great! You were right when you meant, what may be a routine thing to somebody..can be a secret to another one! These things you shared are surely a secret to me! I guess it's a chance for people to know you better..It's up to them how they utilize the chance! :)

    Sometimes just sharing your top secrets can give you a lot of calm inside..and I think that's not always leads to inner peace and improvement..So I think this is a right thing which you've done :)

    And you've written it in a best way possible i guess! Because sharing something which you've never shared and with such ease..keeping humor attached to it is a difficult thing! Kudos to you for doing that :)

    I loved it :)

  17. Amar,

    Wow. Finally someone who wasn't the least bit disappointed by this post. A pat on my own back for that! :D

    But you flatter me just too much. Itna bhi achha nahi likhti yaar. It's nothing compared to such awesome blogs people write in the blogosphere out there. I just strive to write well, and be able to express myself in the best way I can. If you think it's good, it is a classic case of "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." Get it? ;)

  18. Mahima

    What a great start to your 10 Day Challenge. I liked the 1st post that builds up to what is yet to come and this is great post.

    I hope that you now have a 'calm' in your heart that you've unburdened yourself from some secrets :)

    And on a separate note, if the two anonymous writers had it in them, they would reveal themselves before commenting the way they did. They are livng in their own lil' secret world.

  19. Dazediva,

    Thank you so much. I indeed feel a lot more unburdened now that I have let go of some of the things I could never own up to earlier.
    And my anonymous followers are guileless, as you seem to have realized after reading the other posts. :)
